The Ancient Origins of the Zodiac
Please read the folliwing article about the origins of the names of the Zodiac and some of the myths associated with them. It is in PDF...
Please read the folliwing article about the origins of the names of the Zodiac and some of the myths associated with them. It is in PDF...
Historiography, namely the study of the writing of history and the factors which affect it, is a particular favourite of mine....
‘T’ for two, and two for ‘T’. Let me take you on a tantalising TAU of… All right, enough of the puns. We are at week ‘T’ (but I like my...
So super that we sit in scintillating…all right, sorry, we have come to ‘s’. Plenty of material this week. GREEK i) SEISMIC: ‘to do with...
Polybius, History, and Human Nature For Polybius, as for Thucydides, human nature was the key causative factor in history, apart from ...
‘Rrrrrrr’, it’s pirate week! No, just Wordy Weekly XX (wow, Bloggus Classicus is twenty weeks old!). We’ve reached ‘R’. GREEK The Greek...
Now this is an interesting week (hang on, they’re ALL interesting). Greek has no Q’, so what do we do (huh, rhyme not intended)? You will...
Gone for a ‘P’. Okay, bad pun. But, yes we have reached ‘P’. Bumper Greek week! Why? 1. Greek has its own letter ‘P’ = π. (is a circular...
From Shakespeare to Troy, the Classical World has inspired productivity and creativity in a variety of different forms of entertainment,...
Feisty, assertive, violent, Fulvia definitely deserves an article of her own. She is not quite so well-known as the imperial women, such...
Greek i) ONTOLOGY: ‘the study of being and the essence or defining core of things’. Technically, the word comes from late Latin...
Another medley this week. Greek up first: GREEK i) NECROPHILIA: This gruesome word means literally ‘corpse love (including sexual)’, and...
Our Communication Needs Then and Now (Originally Delivered for St. Swithun’s School Academic Lunch 07/05/21) This may seem a rather odd...
Nuntius Refertus VI 10/05/2021 ante diem VI Maias anno MMDCCLXXIV AUC. Fabula I in comitiis factio Caledoniae Libertas sedes plurimos...
We are half-way through the alphabet. Several interesting words today. GREEK: i) MAGIC: the word needs no definition: ‘making things...
So, we come to ‘L’, we are almost halfway through. i) LUDICROUS: this charming English word means ‘silly’, ‘absurd’, and ‘causing...
January - the name comes from the Roman god Janus (Ianus in Latin), the two-faced god, who foresaw the comings and goings from houses,...
Nuntius Repertus V (28/04/2021) ante diem IV Kal. Maias anno MMDCCLXXIV AUC. 1. primus magistratus rogatur ut certiorem faciat unde...
Coins as Evidence The technical name for the study of coinage is ‘numismatics’. The word derives from the Greek ‘νομισμα’, meaning ‘thing...
‘K’ this week. ‘K’ is an interesting letter. VERY few words exist in Latin, beginning with ‘K’, and only one yields a derivative, which...