The Ancient Contribution to Climate Change
For World Mother Earth Day Thursday 22 April 2021 Just like us, the Greeks and Romans were adept at exploiting the environment for their...
For World Mother Earth Day Thursday 22 April 2021 Just like us, the Greeks and Romans were adept at exploiting the environment for their...
ante diem XIII Kal. Maius anno MMDCCLXXIV AUC. Fabula I Magistratus primus Boris Ionso dixit medicamenta contra COVIDUM pestilentiam...
In part I, I introduced five points that I believed were a crucial part of education for the development of the individual. I copy them...
Okay, so we have come to ‘J’. Well, this could be a bit of a problem. No ‘J’ in either the Greek or Latin alphabet. However, the letter...
Theories about all things being reducible to small particles that cannot be seen with the naked eye and these being the basis and...
I. hodie in Britannica tabernae, cauponae, palaestra iterum apertae sunt. ex quo tamen numerus novorum COVIDI exemplorum uno hoc die...
12/04/2021 Whilst reading a short piece by Quintus Slide in the latest issue of my husband’s MoneyWeek (9/04/2021), I was struck by an...
THREE for the price of one this week: one Latin, one Greek, and a suffix! i) INNOCENT: ‘not guilty’, ‘not responsible’, ‘naïve’, or ‘not...
Fabula I Heri maritus reginae Britanniae anno suo centesimo triste mortuus est. duces et notissimi ex omnibus orbis terrarum partibus...
Introduction What is the purpose of education and where does Classics fit? ​ This is a debate that has raged since Philosophy began. The...
Fabula I Hebdomade priore die Iovis Samuelus Kasumu magistratui primo consuasor nuntiavit se Maio domo decem discessurum esse. die...
i) HABIT: ‘a custom, practice to which one adheres’ or ‘the customary garb of a member of a religious order’ – two apparently very...
Geography enjoyed plenty of explorers in the Ancient world and not just in the Graeco-Roman (i.e., the Classical World). The great epic...
Back to one Latin, one Greek again this week. i) GRADE: The English word ‘grade’ has a variety of related meanings. It can mean ‘rank’ in...
F Latin only this week short article on ‘Why no Greek?’ i) FULMINATE: ‘to rage, berate, bluster, denounce’ – this rather nice, and too...
The development of our (i.e., we as humans) understanding and knowledge of the world around us has not been a straight line. In fact,...
Yes, when it comes to theories of Heliocentricity, namely those which placed the sun at the centre of the solar system and which we now...
Wordy Weekly VII ‘Eeeeeeeeeeee’, we have reached ‘E’. i) EVOLVE/EVOLUTION: ‘TO EVOLVE’ is ‘to develop in a way that an organism or plan...
The Histories of Herodotus are a lively, varied, and highly readable work, a rather lighter experience than the gloomy, disgruntled...
‘She has quite the ‘tude!’. So said one of my year ten pupils when I was teaching Pliny’s letter about Arria as a set text back in 2015....