fac ut rideant! "Make' em laugh!"
The Ancients loved a laugh. So, welcome to the new category ancient laughter. We will be celebrating ancient comic geniuses and their...
The Ancients loved a laugh. So, welcome to the new category ancient laughter. We will be celebrating ancient comic geniuses and their...
“You can come to understand yourself, absolutely, but never, never with the frenzied eyes of the self, the self which is the mere...
So said Thucydides about his aim for his work and the lasting power of the lesson he intended to confer. His History of the Peloponnesian...
Why should we study ancient science? Surely, we have moved on, developed a far more accurate understanding of the world with tools that...
Is it about bravery? is it about talent? Is it about courage in the face of despair? Is it about championing a cause? Has our concept of...
Such was the name that physicist Max Born gave to the ‘primordial substance’ that his colleague Werner Heisenberg concluded was the...
Using the term 'useful’ in education winds me up hugely. Why? Because I do not find it very helpful. It is often very narrowly conceived,...
Sophocles’ Ajax is a wonderful play, but it is certainly not the one that first springs to most people’s mind when you say ‘Sophocles’....
Well, it’s a pretty big, debt and a very cool one. The word 'debt' itself comes from the Latin verb 'debeo' - to owe. Some of our most...
Hello All, Welcome once again to my EducationInfluence.com blog. Today, I just want to tell you about why, I decided to join...
08/10/2021 ‘As a rule, a great teacher will also be a great learner.’ Is this true? I think there is truth in it. A teacher who is...
Socrates: The Great Teacher-Learner part I (07/10/2021) I have never been a fan of the ‘teaching’ versus ‘learning’ dichotomy. ‘They...
Gold, Silver, Bronze, all familiar prizes at the Olympic games and, indeed, other sporting events. Now, back in 2004 when Athens hosted...
A shorter version of BloggusClassicus’ Wordy Weekly. This one will cost you ‘six squid’! Ha ha ha…ha?’ Never mind. Well, a squid is a.....
Over on BloggusClassicus (https://www.bloggusclassicus.com/), I started a Classical Thought for the Day and the first entry was about the...
’…a speeding cormorant, crossing the waters, catching fish as it hurtles into the waves, salting its wings’. This so exactly describes a...
3. Glitterati Romani In his work, On Duties, Cicero relates the following story about stern politician Cato the Elder: One day, Cato was...
2. Sports, Sportsmen, and Athletes A good friend of mine, a Welsh friend, is a massive rugby fan. He particular favourite player was Lee...
The ancients had a celebrity culture. No, it is not a new concept. Lavish lifestyles, cult-like fame, idols, a newsworthy wealthy elite...
‘But, really, what is happening to me? Am I willing to be laughed at, and my enemies go unpunished?’ Am I to put up with this? No way,...