Classics and Transferable Skills part IV…
Skill 3 - Critical Questioning and Reflection Logical reasoning and attention to detail are all important skills for critical...
Skill 3 - Critical Questioning and Reflection Logical reasoning and attention to detail are all important skills for critical...
Skill 2. Attention to Detail and Patience Latin is logical. Logic requires attention to detail and careful concentration. We saw in the...
Skill 1 - Logical Reasoning I cannot remember where this happened or who said it (school, I think?), but it still makes me smile. I...
I should add that this is not a term I am particularly fond of. For me, it seems to standardise human learning and artificially separate...
With panto season almost upon us, come Classics fans, 'Oh no it isn’t!’ There are several strands that have lead to this image. The...
Greetings, I'm the new kid on the blog. I began Latin in year 9 and I was deeply excited at the prospect. I had always enjoyed ancient...
Most readers will very likely be familiar with the Roman aqueduct, the highly sophisticated water transport method. This short article...
Such was the name that physicist Max Born gave to the 'primordial substance' that his colleague Werner Heisenberg concluded was the...
Classical Thought for the Day XXIV I remember once conversing with a fellow graduate student at the start of term party, when we got on...
Sententia Hodierna! (SHD) XXIII I would like to thank Ancient Wisdom for sharing the following quotation by Kierkegaard, which has...
Wordy Weekly XXXIV If you were asked to define the word ‘Utopia’, you would probably say that means ‘an ideal society/place’ and was the...
Sententia Cotidiana XXII So squawks the hawk on Mary Poppins’ umbrella at the end of the film. But on a more serious note, gratitude is a...
felix dies tibi sit! - Happy Birthday Virgil! I am a great fan of Virgil. In my opinion, he is one of the greatest poets ever, not just...
- Know Thyself: Sententia Cotidiana XXI The question of today’s ‘thought’ is what this phrase really means. Scrolling through a few...
Some may spot a somewhat oblique reference to the wonderful Lerner and Lowe musical, My Fair Lady, when Professor Higgins sings, ‘By...
Wordy Weekly XXXIII Do you know a good punning put down? I do indeed, there is no better put down than a Latin deponent verb. (Dr...
Lessons from Delphi There are two famous maxims of Greek thought inscribed on the temple of Apollo at Delphi: · μὴδεν ἄγαν ...
One of my favourite scenes from a Platonic dialogue is the scene where Socrates guides Meno’s slave boy through a geometric problem...
Descriptions of nature can often reveal the timelessness of ancient literature. Earlier today I posted a short article on my Tumblr blog...
Wordy Weekly XXXII Latin and Greek both have some beautiful words for colours and some (well, quite a few actually) have made their way...